Start Ta Ta Talking Bout, Blah Blah Blah

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You’re not the only one who thinks that Adam Lambert seems kinda pudgy these days. The glam rocker knows it too. And is doing something about it.

Adam has revealed that he is on a diet. The American Idol star, who is currently promoting his debut album, For Your Entertainment, affirmed that he wants to remain in peak physical condition for the duration. He told Fox News: “I’m on such a diet now. I want to stay in great shape so no candy for me.”

Adam also added that society at large is too obsessed with how people look. “Everyone should get out of the mirror, that’s not what matters,” he said. “We are programmed in society to be so hard on ourselves and our appearance.”

That’s what Hollywood is all about, Adam, and the rest of the world too. And more so in showbiz.

Hands up, if you think Adam should go on a diet. I think Adam is ripe to play Elvis in the just-before-chubby years.

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