Start Ta Ta Talking Bout, Blah Blah Blah

Whooh!! . . . what a tiring day for me and my team. ..we have to complete task from different station and we have to run around the school like some kind of 'Idiots' . . .hahahaha . . @o@....but it's worth it after all coz we manage to get 2nd in the hunt . . first i thought we're gonna get 3rd, then when the teacher annouced the winner for the 3rd prize . . .I was like ( arghh, wth!! . . . we're not gonna win already ) . ..but turn out when the teacher announced the 2nd prize winner, I was like ( hmm, is that us and yes indeed it's us, I told my friend when my friend look at me ) . . it was so hilarious bout our reaction . ...we're so blur . . .^^ ....lolz . .. .here's some pics to get away with . .. enjoy @o@ !!!

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