Start Ta Ta Talking Bout, Blah Blah Blah

Have you guys ever wonder what you guys wanna be when ya'll grow up? To be honest, for me, I don't, all I ever thought of is that "Play Hard Now, Work That Ass Off Later", but somehow i found it was a HUGE mistake that I've made, I should be working hard now by keeping my ass on my studies and make sure I score well in SPM, but then, what I'm doing now It's totally the other side of my GOAL, so what should I do?

I came up with this IDEA which is 'Make Our Play and Work Hard Time Equivalent", now, I try to thin of what I wanna be when i grow up and who's my role model out of it. I chose to be a chef and my All-Time role model is JAMIE OLIVER, Wow! that's a nice one. Laugh

Nowadays , I try to concentrate more on my studies and do more research on Culinary Arts. I found out that I need at least 3 credits to study Culinary Arts in Taylors College. (My dream college). So I've targeted my English, Science, Bm, Moral and Perdagangan subjects. I know I'm gonna score well and Yes I will. Laugh

So, Taylors College, HERE I COME!........Hahaha...LOLZ

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